Red Door Breakfast Church

Breakfast is Served!

You’re invited to have a seat, pass the quiche, and enjoy some good conversation and friends.

Every community needs a time and place to come together. This is especially true during these challenging times. What better way to do this than with warm food around tables in friendship, laughter and connectedness? Imagine, church around a table! Red Door wants to invite our neighbors – of all ages, ethnicities, and lifestyles – to our table. This is a chance to gather in community with the rich mosaic-like diversity that Sioux Falls is known for. The table gathering is a unique way to use a meal to engage those in our community who are un-reached, exiled and disconnected. 

Red Door’s Breakfast Church includes eating together as a central element, alongside a short bible message that is relevant and interactive. Kids will enjoy breakfast and then breakout for activities and story time. Every gathering ends with a time of singing and ministry. Worshiping around tables nurtures a deeper sense of community.

Tables are one of the most important places of human connection. We shouldn’t be surprised, then, to find that throughout the Bible, God has a way of showing up at tables. In fact, it’s worth noting that at the center of the spiritual lives of God’s people in both the Old and New Testaments, we find a table: the table of Passover and the table of Communion.

Breakfast Church is for anyone who has ever felt broken, angry, doubting, or as a misfit. It is for anyone who has ever struggled with addiction or is struggling with addiction. It is for anyone who has ever felt lost or alone. Lastly, Breakfast Church is for anyone who is curious or would like to experience a deeper sense of connection and community.

We hope you consider joining us for breakfast this Sunday!




701 E. 8th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57104

We gather together each Sunday at 9:30am at the Union Gospel Mission Women’s Shelter. Each Sunday we come together as the family of God to publicly worship Jesus, serve Jesus and help others love Jesus.

We take time to share a meal, sing, fellowship, hear a message from the bible and pray. Kids have their own gathering where they connect with other kids, learn a lesson and do activities.

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Zach Bauer